Showing posts with label Dirty Jokes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dirty Jokes. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog

Dirty Jokes Biography:

An Analysis of Sexual Humor is a book by American social critic and folklorist Gershon Legman. The book analyzes more than 2000 jokes and folk tales in terms of social, psychological, and historical significance. It was first published by Grove Press in 1968, was later reprinted in hard-cover by Indiana University, and was years out of print until reissued by Simon & Schuster in 2006. The second volume, No Laughing Matter: Rationale of the Dirty Joke: An Analysis of Sexual Humor, 2nd Series, had to be paid for by subscription to support publishing, as it was the "dirty dirties".
According to literary critic Mikita Brottman, "Contemporary humor theorists now ... give a warm, good-natured cast to the telling of jokes, without the nastiness and aggression that Legman -- and, indeed, Freud -- regard as an integral part of the joke-telling enterprise."
There were several reviews of the book published in 1969. Brottman suggests, however, "all its reviewers seem to have misunderstood ... that the point of the book ... is trying to understand what the dirty joke itself is trying to explain"
Dirty Jokes and Beer: Stories of the Unrefined is a 1997 book written by Drew Carey.
In a preface to the book, Carey claims that he wrote every word of it himself—he did not recruit a ghost writer although, as he says, "It probably would have been easier."
The book was mentioned briefly in an episode of the US version of the improv comedy TV series Whose Line is it Anyway?, a show which Drew himself hosted from 1998 to 2003. During a game of "Scenes From a Hat," Drew pulled out the subject "books least likely to be checked out at the library" and friend Ryan Stiles acted as if he was picking a book and read the title "Dirty Jokes and Beer."
The first section deals with Drew's views on various topics, such as being at airports (he writes that he likes to ride around in the carts to make people move out of his way) and the difference between Las Vegas and Atlantic City. (Carey writes that he prefers Las Vegas, as he sees Atlantic City as being filled with retired people shuffling around, playing nickel slot machines.) The section ends with 101 Big Dick Jokes.
Not for the faint of heart, our dirty jokes feature some of the nastiest humor you can find on the web. Dirty jokes so raunchy you'll want to take a shower after reading them, and then proceed to tell all your buddies. A note to the more timid of you, when we say dirty jokes – that’s exactly what we mean. It's possibly the worlds largest web archive of completely disgusting jokes.
Some examples are as follows:
An old man and an old lady are getting ready for bed one night when all of a sudden the woman bursts out of the bathroom, flings open her robe and yells "Super Pussy!" The old man says "I'll have the soup.
Your best friend has three girlfriends. Their names are Doe, Ray, and Me. All 3 wants to do something special so they set up some dates. Three days ago Doe kisses him. Two days ago Ray gives him vaginal sex. Yesterday, who sucks his dick? A redhead tells her blonde stepsister, "I slept with a Brazilian...." The blonde replies, "Oh my God! You slut! How many is a brazilian?" Mom: If a boy touches your boobs say "don't" and if he touches your pussy say "stop"? Girl: But mom, he touched both so I said "don’t stop"
A guy goes to the store to buy condoms. 'Do you want a bag?', the cashier asks 'No', the guy says, 'she's not that ugly'
Q: How do you get a nun pregnant? A: Dress her up as an alter boy.
 Q: How does a woman scare a gynecologist? A: By becoming a ventriloquist!
Q: What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling your name? A: You didn't hold the pillow down long enough.
 Q: What do you call an anorexic bitch with a yeast infection? A: A Quarter Ponder with Cheese.
 Q: What do preists and Mcdonalds have in common? A: They both stick there meat in 10 year old buns
 Q: How do you circumcise a hillbilly? A: Kick his sister in the jaw.
Q:Why did Tigger look in the toilet? A:Because he was looking for Pooh If a firefighters business can go up in smoke, and a plumbers business can go down the drain, can a hooker get layed off?
 Q: Do you know what the square root of 69 is? A: Ate something If you had a donkey and I had a chicken and if your donkey ate my chicken what will you have? Three feet of my cock up your ass.
Q: What kind of bees produce milk? A: Boobies
Q: What should you do if your girlfriend starts smoking? A: Slow down. And possibly use a lubricant.
 Q: Why do women rub their eyes when they get up in the morning? A: They don't have balls to scratch.
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Dirty Jokes Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog