Saturday 14 June 2014

Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog

Yo Mama Biography:

Around 1,500 BCE, a student in ancient Babylon inscribed six riddles on a tablet. 3,500 years later, these proto-jokes lose a lot in the translation, but one thing's for sure: the Babylonians are saying something about your mother.
The tablet in question was first discovered back in 1976 by an archaeologist named J.J. van Dijk during excavations in present-day Iraq. Sadly, the tablet itself has since disappeared, but van Dijk left behind a copy of what the tablet had to say, as well as the delightfully pissy assertion that the tablet featured "very careless writing" and so was obviously the work of a student.
The tablet features a half-dozen riddles, which researchers Nathan Wasserman and Michael Streck recently analyzed for the journal Iraq. Though they call the tablet an example of "wisdom literature," meaning these the riddles were metaphors meant to impart pithy little truths. And while there's definitely an aspect of that, at least a few of the riddles sound like some very early stabs at comedy. Take this one for example:
In your mouth and your teeth, constantly stared at you, the measuring vessel of your lord. What is it?
Would it make that riddle any funnier if I told you an alternate translation for "your teeth" is "your urine"? Maybe not. Well, how about this bawdy joke about deflowered women?
The deflowered girl did not become pregnant. The undeflowered girl became pregnant. What is it?
Auxiliary forces.
Admittedly, that one is a bit conceptual. It's also possible that we've discovered the ancient Babylonian answer to Andy Kaufman. Either way, I want to see "auxiliary forces" as everybody's go-to punchline starting.NOW. Next up, a cutting bit of political humor:
He gouged out the eye. It is not the fate of a dead man. He cut the throat: A dead man. Who is it?
A governor.
The translation across 35 centuries does the riddle no favors, but to be fair - I can at least see how that has the structure of something we might call a joke, in that it describes the punitive powers of a governor in less than flattering terms. But enough with these warm-up acts - let's get to the headliner, the ancient Babylonian "yo mama" joke. Here it is...or what's left of it, anyway: of your mother is by the one who has intercourse with her. What/who is it?
Yes, tragically, this no doubt devastating takedown of somebody's mother's sexual proclivities has been lost to history. Though I do appreciate Wasserman and Streck leaving it ambiguous whether the word is "who" or "what" the mother is having sex with - even in ancient Babylon, you just can't rule anything out when talking about one's mother. Or perhaps the original answer wasn't lost at all, and maybe the whole point is that nothing human or otherwise would ever deign to have ancient Babylonian sex with this poor unfortunate's mother. We may never know, but I feel confident saying this is the single most important question facing modern archaeology.
Incidentally, the oldest known joke is - and it makes me very proud of humanity to be able to say this - a fart joke. Here's a 3,900 year old zinger from Sumer:
"Something which has never occurred since time immemorial - a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap."
Well, it's certainly about farts, although I suppose the "joke" bit is debatable. Then again, I shudder to think what people are going to make of what we considered comedy in the year 5,500. Except Parks and Recreation, of course - the brilliance of Ron Swanson transcends all known boundaries of space and time.
List of yo mama jokes Edit
Yo mama so old when I told her to act her age she died
Yo mama so fat, Obi-Wan Kenobi said "Thats no moon.... thats yo mama!"
Yo mama so fat that when the titanic sunk everybody was saved
Yo mama so fat, her pants size is...umm.. umm.. BITCH LOSE SOME WEIGHT!!
Yo mama so stupid she got hit by a parked car
Yo mama so dumb when i said Christmas was just arround the corner she went looking for it.
Yo mama so hairy, the only language she speaks is Wookie! GRRRRRRGGGGG.
Yo mamma so stupid when she went to the movie it said people under 17 can't come in so she went home and got 16 of her friends
Yo mama so fat when she stepped on a scale it said Get Off Me Fat ass
Yo mama so fat she had to go to SeaWorld to get baptized
Yo mama so dumb she put a ruler underneath her pillow to SEE how long she slept...!!!
Yo mama so Broken Bob the Builder can't fix it
Yo mama so dumb she sold the car for gas money
Yo mama so fat she fell in the grand canyon and got stuck
Yo mama so fat her belt size is the equator
yo mama so fat when she put on a red dress every one thought she was mr cool aid
yo mama is soo stupid that when she sat on a creeper and exploded she thought she farted
yo mama so fat when she sat on a rainbow skittles fell out
yo mama is soo stupid that she locked herself in a grocery store she starved to death
yo mama so stupid that when she saw it was raining she went outside to take a shower
yo mama so fat shes on both sides the family
yo mama so stupid that she didn't fall down the stairs she fell up
yo mama so stupid when i asked her if she had paper view she put a piece of paper on the tv and said theirs your paper view.
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog
Yo Mama Jokes for Kids That are Really Funny in English In Hindi To Tell In Urdu Knock Knock Tagalog

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